Ulm And Ludwigsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of four wastewater treatment plants and associated collection systems, in Zweckverband Klarwerk Steinhaule, Hoheneck, Eglosheim, and Poppenweiler. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs.
K&M conducted the technical and financial due diligence of the Entwasserungsbetrieb Lutherstadt Wittenberg (ELW) wastewater facility and collection system in Lutherstadt-Wittenberg. K&M performed an independent review of technical, financial and commercial documents related to the proposed cross-border lease transaction for this 3.9 million m3/d wastewater treatment facility and associated sewer system located 80 km outside of Berlin.
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of the wastewater treatment plant in Zentralkläranlage Konstanz. The plant treats wastewater from the cities of Konstanz, Dingelsdorf, Dettinger, Reichenau and Hegne in Germany, and the city of Kreuzlingen in Switzerland. Fifteen separate components (interceptors, pumping stations, overflows, etc) were analyzed. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs.
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of two wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of 345,600-432,000 m3/day, in Hamburg. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs.
K&M provided technical and commercial due diligence services for a facility to process approximately 420,000 tons per year of household and industrial waste with a calorific value of 9,500 kJ/kg and to generate approximately 1,000,000 tons per year of steam for the adjacent Flingern power plant. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs. K&M also analyzed market trends and private participation in the German Waste-to-Energy Sector.
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of the wastewater treatment plants for the cities of Konstanz, Dingelsdorf, Dettinger, Reichenau and Hegne in Germany, and the city of Kreuzlingen in Switzerland. Fifteen separate components (interceptors, pumping stations, overflows, etc) were analyzed. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs. K&M reviewed certain commercial, technical, and financial documents related to the proposed cross-border head lease transaction and furnished an independent opinion of the due diligence engineering report, appraisal report, service contract agreement and facility support agreement.
K&M was retained by PNC Leasing LLC to assist with the technical due diligence of a sale-leaseback transaction for the wastewater collection network in the city of Ulm, Germany. PNC Leasing LLC would purchase the assets from the public authority and lease the assets back to the public authority over 26 years. At the end of the lease term, the public authority would have the option to either purchase the assets or enter into a wastewater services contract with PNC. K&M performed an independent technical review of the engineering due diligence report of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities. K&M also reviewed the asset appraisal report, the wastewater services contract, and the facility support and access agreement between the city and the PNC. K&M commented on the methodology, assumptions, and results of the asset appraisal to identify any adjustments or potential issues with the contractual arrangements, including an assessment of the transaction against “arm’s length” criteria. The system includes 558km of sewerage lines.
K&M was retained by First Fidelity International Bank to assist with the technical due diligence of two sale-leaseback transactions for the wastewater collection networks in the cities of Bochum and Recklinghausen, Germany. First Fidelity would purchase the assets from the public authority and lease the assets back to the public authority over terms of 26 and 29 years, respectively. At the end of the lease terms, the public authority would have the option to either purchase the assets or enter into a wastewater transportation services contract with the private party. K&M performed an independent technical review of the engineering due diligence reports of the wastewater collection facilities. K&M also reviewed the asset appraisal reports, services contracts, and the facility support and access agreements between the cities and the private party. K&M commented on the methodology, assumptions, and results of the asset appraisal to identify any adjustments or potential issues with the contractual arrangements, including an assessment of the transaction against “arm’s length” criteria. The wastewater assets included over 1,500km of sewerage lines serving 520,000 residents and a number of large commercial users.
K&M was retained by Fleet Overseas Capital LLC to assist with the technical due diligence of three sale-leaseback transactions for the Aalen, Heidenheim, and Zollerwiesen wastewater collection networks and treatment plants in Germany. Fleet Overseas Capital LLC would purchase the assets from the public authority and lease the assets back to the public authority over a number of years. At the end of the lease term, the public authority would have the option to either purchase the assets or enter into a wastewater services contract with the private party.
K&M performed an independent technical review of the engineering due diligence report of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities. K&M also reviewed the asset appraisal report, the wastewater services contract, and the facility support and access agreement between the city and the private party. K&M commented on the methodology, assumptions, and results of the asset appraisal to identify any adjustments or potential issues with the contractual arrangements, including an assessment of the transaction against “arm’s length” criteria. The wastewater assets included 167km of sewerage collection lines and four wastewater treatment plants with a total capacity of 121,900 population equivalent.
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of seven wastewater treatment plants owned by self-governing special purpose association located in North Rhine-Westphalia. Wupperverband owned and operated eleven wastewater treatment plants, seven of which were included in this transaction—these seven are located in: Buchenhofen, Wermelskirchen, Schwelm, Radevor MWald, Dhünn, Odenthal, and Leverkusen. The total catchment area of the Wupperverband is approximately 813 km2. The treatment plants are designed to treat a certain quantity and quality of wastewater within their region, and have some form of preliminary sludge processing. K&M’s scope of work was to assess the reasonableness of the technical, commercial and operational terms of the Service Contract; assess certain aspects of the due diligence engineering and the appraisal reports; and review the system support agreement.