Water Undertaking South Caicos Pre-feasibility
The Government of Turks and Caicos is interested in improving the water sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands. K&M has been engaged to conduct a rapid pre-feasibility for piped water supply in South Caicos and Salt Cay.
K&M will conduct a rapid technical pre-feasibility of piped water supply in South Caicos and Salt Cay. This will include preparing a demand forecast for Water Undertaking, the government department with responsibility for water supply in Grand Turk, Salt Cay, and South Caicos. K&M will develop a financial and economic model for Water Undertaking to determine if transitioning to a piped water supply is realistic in South Caicos and Salt Cay.
The Government of Turks and Caicos is interested in improving the water sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This project includes conducting a rapid diagnostic of the sector, conducting a strategy workshop with key stakeholders, and preparing a strategic plan outline and implementation roadmap tool for the next three to four years to achieve that aim.
Task 1: Conduct rapid diagnostic of the current situation of the water sector in TCI.
The objective of this task is to conduct a rapid diagnostic of the current situation of the water sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands. To kick off this important work, we will host a virtual call with key stakeholders in the TCIG with responsibility for water. On the call we will discuss the objectives of the assignment and walk through our request for information. We will carry out a review of the financial, operational, and commercial data received from the water department, and supplement it with benchmarking from other water utilities in the Caribbean. We will review the following areas for which objectives will be defined in the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan: financial, operational, quality of service, an coverage. This review will consider specific challenges and potential opportunities for improvement in the water sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The rapid diagnostic will inform the objectives we propose for TCIG for the next three to four years and the identification of priority actions in Task 2.
Task 2: Identify preliminary objectives and priority actions for the Water Sector Strategic Plan.
The objective of this task is to identify preliminary objectives and priority actions for the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan. Based on the analysis conducted in Task 1, we will identify preliminary priority actions that could be related to, among others, the following: organization structuring and strategy, financial management, human capital management, commercial matters, technical matters, service to customers, legal and regulatory framework in TCI, and others to be identified.
Task 3: Propose preliminary objectives and priority actions to TCIG.
The objective of this task is to propose the preliminary objectives and priority actions to the Turks and Caicos Islands Government. We will host a virtual call with key stakeholders in the TCIG with responsibility for water. On the call we will discuss the preliminary high-level objectives and proposed priority actions. This will inform the materials prepared for the strategy workshop.
Task 4: Produce presentation to be used during the strategy workshop.
The objective of this task is to produce the presentation material to be used during the strategy workshop. Based on feedback received during the virtual meeting held in Task 3, we will conduct additional analysis, revise the proposed high-level objectives and priority actions as required, and produce a presentation in PowerPoint to be used during the strategy workshop. This presentation will include the following: a summary of the results of the rapid diagnostic; proposed high-level objectives to be achieved within the next three to fours years; proposed priority actions to be included in the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan; and identification of any legal and regulatory reforms that may be needed to achieve the objectives to be incorporated in the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan.
Task 5: Lead strategy workshop in TCI.
The objective of this task is to lead a strategy workshop in TCI. We will lead a productive and efficient discussion of the proposed high-level objectives for the TCI water sector to be achieved within the next three to four years, the related priority actions, and any legal and regulatory reforms required to meet those objectives. We expect the strategy workshop could take place in Grand Turk and last about four hours. To adequately prepare for the workshop, we will arrive the day before to attend meetings with TCIG and other stakeholders, as necessary. The outcomes and agreement reached during the strategy workshop will inform the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan Outline and the implementation roadmap tool for the sector.
Task 6: Produce Water Sector Strategic Plan Outline and Implementation Roadmap Tool
The objective of this task is to produce the final version of the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan Outline and develop the implementation roadmap tool for the sector. The outline will include the agreed upon high-level objectives for the TCI water sector to be achieved in the next three to four years, the related priority actions, and the identification of any legal and regulatory reforms required to achieve the objectives. In addition, it will include the next steps and timing for the development of the TCI Water Sector Strategic Plan . The final version of the Strategy Plan Outline and implementation roadmap tool will be delivered two weeks after the strategy workshop in Grand Turk.
FortisTCI plans to increase the amount of electricity generated with solar PV that it uses to supply its customers in TCI. K&M has been engaged by FortisTCI to develop a robust estimate of the amount of electricity that can be generated with solar PV systems that are economically feasible in TCI. This will inform: (i) the targets FortisTCI sets for generating electricity with renewable energy (RE); and (ii) the energy and capacity FortisTCI will need from other sources, such as natural gas, to reliably meet the demand from its customers. As part of an initial assessment of solar PV on TCI, K&M will conduct a review of the existing GIS data and other relevant information, conduct site visits to Provo, North Caicos, Middle Caicos, South Caicos, Gran Turk, and Salt Cay, and will develop a dynamic financial model for solar PV. This will inform FortisTCI on the total amount of land available that can be used to install utility-scale solar PV systems, the total amount of electricity that can be generated with economically feasible solar PV systems, and the average levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) generated with economically feasible systems.
In this assignment, K&M holds several key responsibilities. Firstly, they are tasked with conducting a comprehensive review of the existing Geographic Information System (GIS) data and other pertinent information. Secondly, K&M is required to carry out site visits to multiple locations, including Provo, North Caicos, Middle Caicos, South Caicos, Gran Turk, and Salt Cay. Additionally, a pivotal aspect of their role is the development of a dynamic financial model tailored for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. This model will serve to inform FortisTCI about crucial factors, such as the total available land for utility-scale solar PV installations, the potential electricity generation capacity of economically viable solar PV systems, and the average Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) associated with electricity produced from these economically feasible systems. These responsibilities collectively contribute to the strategic planning and decision-making process regarding solar PV initiatives.
FortisTCI was negotiating its regulatory framework with the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG) while the Government was also considering developing a multisector regulatory agency. FortisTCI hired K&M to assist them in writing a response to Kairi Consultants, a consulting firm hired by TCIG to assess the existing regulatory frameworks for public utilities. K&M prepared a Report on Reform of the Regulatory Framework Applicable to FortisTCI. This report described FortisTCI and its applicable regulatory framework, benchmarked regulatory frameworks in other Caribbean jurisdictions, and provided recommendations for the relevant framework for regulating FortisTCI.
FortisTCI Limited (FortisTCI)—the electricity utility in Turks and Caicos with an aggregate generation capacity of 90.7MW and over 15,000 customers—has retained K&M Advisors to conduct a vigorous cost of service study. FortisTCI has seven service areas with multiple customer categories. Working closely with the FortisTCI team, K&M will develop a dynamic financial model that will calculate the cost of service and establish cost reflective rates by customer category for each service area. The model will calculate the cost of service on a historical basis and on a forward-looking basis using projections for 2021 to 2025. K&M will present the cost of service and proposed rates by customer category to the executive team at FortisTCI and provide recommendations resulting from the work undertaken.
K&M was engaged by FortisTCI Limited to provide an in-depth review of proposed new rates and charges related to the proposed renewable energy (RE) legislation. After a comprehensive review, the K&M team proposed rates for electric vehicle charging, a model for rates for PPAs, RE feed-in-tariffs, retail rates and energy charge. K&M also validated the initial set of rates and charges for the Demand Charge Scheme (Demand Rate, Energy Rate) and identified language in the draft RE legislation necessary to support the implementation of proposed new rates and charges. K&M provided overall recommendations on rate designs, supporting policy, financial impact to the utility, fairness of incentive mechanisms, potential risks and proposed mitigations.
FortisTCI (FTCI), the electricity utility in the Turks and Caicos Islands, contracted K&M to review and advise on draft legislation for renewable energy (RE). This included reviewing and marking up the draft amendment to the Electricity Ordinance to ensure proposed mechanisms for introducing RE were complete and internally coherent. The proposed mechanisms included licenses for independent power producers, integrated resource plans, interconnection requirements and standards, feed-in-tariffs, and a new tariff structure for distributed generation. K&M also submitted a report identifying potential risks and making recommendations to improve the consistency, adequacy, and reasonableness of the provisions in the draft bill.