Engineering Project Management Advisory For Arabian Bemco
Arabian BEMCO Contracting Co. Ltd. was serving as the EPC Contractor for the construction of a greenfield, gas-fired, simple cycle power plant in Marib, Yemen. The Public Electricity Corporation of Yemen was the project’s sponsor. Empresarios Agrupados Internacional S.A. was hired by Arabian BEMCO to prepare detailed engineering drawings for the design of the plant. Arabian BEMCO engaged K&M as an engineering project manager for the detailed design work, which was being performed off-site in Beirut, Lebanon. K&M provided expert advisory services to Arabian BEMCO for the organization and work flow management of the detailed design process in Lebanon. K&M’s project manager was deployed for three months to Beirut to assist Arabian BEMCO with establishing all necessary project management, monitoring, scheduling, and reporting processes to ensure the timely and high-quality execution of engineering services for the project.
K&M was contracted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to act as the Lead Technical Advisor for the structuring and procurement of three heavy fuel oil (HFO)-fired IPP plants in Yemen totaling 375 MW of capacity. K&M provided a full range of pre-bidding services, including market demand assessments and developing technical specifications for each project. K&M evaluated technology options, proposed plant sizes and configurations, assessed fuel supply options, and analyzed the suitability of potential project sites. K&M’s report concluded with an evaluation of IPP options based on technical and commercial feasibility. K&M prepared a Project Information Memorandum to market the projects to potential investors in advance of conducting a competitive tender for private developers. Due to political circumstances, the project did not continue to the tendering stage.
K&M was engaged by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to assess the technical feasibility of a gas-fired power plant at the Seiyoun site in Yemen. The plant would use natural gas captured from nearby oil deposits. K&M assessed the proposed project site, including evaluating potential environmental and social issues, access requirements, and associated infrastructure needs for gas supply and power evacuation. To support the site assessment, K&M consulted with the Government and oil operators to determine the potential availability of natural gas supplies from local oil sources. K&M reviewed electricity supply and demand needs in Yemen, including seasonal factors, projected demand growth, and T&D losses. K&M’s report included recommendations of the most suitable size and technology configuration for the project.
K&M was engaged by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to assess the technical feasibility of three potential sites for a thermal IPP project in Yemen. For each site, K&M evaluated potential environmental and social issues, access requirements, and associated infrastructure needs for fuel supply and power evacuation. K&M reviewed local electricity supply and demand needs, including seasonal factors, peak and off-peak demand, dispatch procedures, right-of-way issues, and transmission and distribution reliability and losses. K&M compared the sites and recommended the most suitable site for the development of the project.