K&M is growing in the US power generation market.
While K&M has immense experience with international projects, K&M is delighted to share the news that its domestic work is also growing. We have recently completed two due diligence assignments for power plants in Michigan and California.
For a Michigan-based combined cycle gas-fired power project, K&M validated the inputs to the financial model and verified that the plant operation and maintenance practices would support plant forced outage and availability rates assumed for the plant valuation. K&M determined that some of the assumptions in the financial model were overly optimistic. This information allowed K&M’s client to negotiate a lower price for the share of the facility they acquired, which resulted in a noticeable increase in their return on investment.
K&M was later engaged by the same investment firm to perform technical due diligence of nine gas-fired peaking power generating facilities in California.
For a group of nine gas-fired peaking power generating facilities in California, K&M reviewed operation and maintenance records, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), and resource adequacy payment documents under the California Independent System Operator (ISO) rules. K&M also verified plant capacities, heat rates, and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and validated inputs to the financial model. The results of this review were summarized in a comprehensive Due Diligence Report.