Attarat Oil Shale Power Project Independent Engineer
The National Electric Power Company (NEPCO), a national electric utility responsible for operating Jordan’s transmission network planning system expansion including procurement of new generating facilities selected the Attarat Power Company, a private company incorporated in Jordan, whose shares are owned Malaysian, Chinese, and Estonia entities, to develop, design, finance, construct, test, commission, complete, own, insure, operate and maintain a 470 MW (net) oil shale fired power plant (together with the mine and water extraction facilities). The project consists of two 235 MW (net) unit. The project will sell its capacity and energy to NEPCO under a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). K&M was selected to serve as an Independent Engineer on the project serving both NEPCO and APCO and getting paid by both parties on a 50/50 basis.
K&M was retained as Lender’s Engineer by the National Development Finance Corporation of Pakistan (NDFC) on behalf of the project lenders for the Raiwind Power Project as part of NDFC’s due diligence review. The project sponsors formed SEPCOL as a limited company incorporated in Pakistan to implement the US$138 million 117 MW (gross) power plant near Raiwind. The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), a Government owned utility, will purchase all the project’s capacity under a 22 year take or pay Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). K&M’s independent review was carried out in four weeks. This short period was required to meet the intended project schedule for financial close.
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of four wastewater treatment plants and associated collection systems, in Zweckverband Klarwerk Steinhaule, Hoheneck, Eglosheim, and Poppenweiler. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs.
K&M was engaged by DEG to perform the technical and commercial due diligence of the Eldoret and Lanet power plants, located north and west of Nairobi, and with 55 MW of capacity each. K&M financial and market due diligence assessed the projects’ competitiveness, tariffs, project costs, commercial terms of project agreements, financial model and its assumptions, and insurance provisions. The technical due diligence included: proposed site, technical aspects of project agreements, EPC contract, performance guarantees and liquidated damages, permits and licenses and several other technical characteristics of the projects.
K&M served as Lender’s Engineer to the Global Environment Fund on behalf of a private investor seeking to acquire, own and operate the 515 MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Hazira Power Project in Gujarat, India. Owned by Essar Power Company, Hazira entered into combined cycle commercial operation in 1997, and was India’s first Independent Private Power Project (IPP). Structured as a hybrid IPP, the major offtakers were the Gujarat Electric Board (300 MW) and Essar Steel Limited (215 MW). K&M completed a due diligence evaluation to verify the technical, commercial and financial status of the plant. K&M reviewed the Project Agreements, EPC Contact, O&M Agreement, Financial Model, and technical, environmental, and financial characteristics of the project to ensure that the project risks are properly addressed and that technical and cost assumptions used in the Financial Model are reasonable. As a result of their review, K&M made recommendations for upgrades to improve efficiency and emissions.
K&M was retained to perform technical, commercial and market due diligence for the asset purchase and cross-border lease transaction of the Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG (IKB) system. The IKB system provides electricity to 640,000 customers, including the city of Innsbruck. The IKB System operates at three different voltages levels: high voltage 110kV (7.8 km), medium voltage 20 kV (64.3 km) and 10 kV (30.7 km), and low voltage 400 V (751.9 km). The transmission network in the HV is mainly an overhead system. The System also includes six substations. It connects to the national network which mainly consists of 380/220kV transmission lines owned by Verbund, a quasi-government owned monopoly of Austria. K&M’s scope of work included review and comment on engineering due diligence report, electric transmission and distribution system appraisal report, and marketability of swap agreement.
K&M was retained to perform technical, commercial and market due diligence for the asset purchase and cross-border lease transaction of the 781 MW (combined capacity) Sellrain-Silz pumped storage hydro power project. The project consists of the Kuhtai and Silz power stations, the Finstertal and Langental reservoirs, and related dam and support facilities. The project is located in Stubaier Alps in northern Austria and is among the highest dam of this type in the world. The power plants entered commercial operation in 1977 and 1981, respectively. Water is first processed at the Kuehtai facility, then passes through the Silz facility. K&M’s scope of work included review and comment on engineering due diligence report, financial appraisal report and assumptions, service contract and lease agreement, power purchase agreement, pool of qualified bidders, and energy market study.
K&M was retained to perform technical, commercial and market due diligence for the asset purchase and cross-border lease transaction of The BEWAG system. The BEWAG system operates at three different voltages levels: High Voltage 110kV (632 km), Medium Voltage 20 kV (3,008.9 km) and Low voltage 400 V (4,822.8 km). The transmission system associated with HV is mainly an overhead system. The MV and LV systems have both overhead and underground systems, with the ratio of percentage of overhead representing 64 percent and 26 percent, respectively, of BEWAG’s System. It is part of the national transmission and distributions structure which mainly consists in 380/220kV transmission lines owned by Verbund. K&M’s scope of work included review and comment on engineering due diligence report, electric transmission and distribution system appraisal report, and marketability of swap agreement.
K&M was retained to perform technical, commercial and market due diligence for the asset purchase and cross-border lease transaction of 168 MW Abwinden-Asten hydro power plant, designed as a run-of-river, located on the Danube River in upper Austria near Linz. The plant is owned by Verbund, and entered commercial operation in 1979 and produces 996 million kWh per year. K&M’s scope of work included: review and comment on engineering due diligence report, power purchase agreement, financial appraisal report, and service contract and lease agreement; review pool of qualified bidders and operators; and conduct energy market study of the European and Austrian electricity market.
K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of the wastewater treatment plant in Zentralkläranlage Konstanz. The plant treats wastewater from the cities of Konstanz, Dingelsdorf, Dettinger, Reichenau and Hegne in Germany, and the city of Kreuzlingen in Switzerland. Fifteen separate components (interceptors, pumping stations, overflows, etc) were analyzed. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the engineering due diligence report, appraisal report, network access agreement, facility support agreement and service contract. K&M also reviewed operations, maintenance and management costs.