190 MW Old Harbor Power Plant Lender Technical Advisor
Latin America and the Caribbean
October 22, 2020K&M was engaged by the Lenders to the 190 MW Old Harbour power plant to provide Independent Engineer services. K&M’s engagement is with JCSD—the trustee appointed by the Lenders. The lead Lender is the National Commercial Bank of Jamaica. K&M will: conduct project implementation status and site visits; advise Lenders in regards to any construction variation or change orders; monitor the actual expenditures under the EPC Contract, including variation, claims or change orders, against budgeted expenditures and estimate future expenditures based on project reports provided by the Owner; review the EPC contractor’s milestone or drawdown requests and supporting documentation; prepare the punch lists; review testing methodology and schedule based on the performance testing procedures specified in the EPC Contract, PPA and other documents; provide written certificates to the Lenders confirming when the Project has achieved Commercial Operation Date, fulfilled Reliability Test and achieved Final Acceptance of the Facilities; and prepare all necessary reports.