PROJECTS / Buenos Aires Private Natural Gas Distribution System Structure And Develop Financing Plan For Concession

Buenos Aires Private Natural Gas Distribution System Structure And Develop Financing Plan For Concession

Latin America and the Caribbean

October 22, 2020

The consortium, CONCEGAS, led by Benito Roggio e Hijos, S.A. and including Ecofisa, S.A., Calix, S.A., Conipa, S.A., and Siabe, S.A., was formed to pursue an agreement with the Argentine Government for the concession of privatizing a natural gas distribution system, which serves the City of Buenos Aires and the Greater Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. K&M was retained by Benito Roggio e Hijos, S.A. to provide assistance in identifying a suitable entity to join the consortium and operate the gas distribution system once the award of the concession was made. K&M was also retained as an operating entity by an association of American companies, led by Coastal Natural Gas Company, including CMS Energy Company and Public Service of Colorado. In addition, K&M provided assistance with project and financial structuring, and the development of a regulatory framework for the industry.

Cost of Service and Tariff Study

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