Feasibility Study for IGCC in India
South Asia
October 22, 2020K&M, along with Sub-contractor Tata Consulting Engineers (India), was engaged by US DOE to conduct a technical and financial feasibility study and developed business plans for commercial deployment of the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) advanced technology in India. Two proposed projects consisting of a gasification island and a power island were evaluated: 1) a 150 MW IGCC facility fueled with Indian coal, and 2) a 250 MW IGCC facility fueled with Indian lignite, both to be located in the state of Gujarat, India. Two financing approaches were evaluated: 1) a government-sponsored infrastructure project backed by the full faith and credit of the Government of India, and 2) a privatized project utilizing either a BOO or BOT concept and financed on a limited- or non-recourse basis. In addition, K&M hosted a study tour to the United States for senior executives of a local Indian private power utility to meet with IGCC experts.