PROJECTS / Port Cities 375 MW Thermal IPPs

Port Cities 375 MW Thermal IPPs

Middle East and North Africa

October 22, 2020

K&M was contracted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to act as the Lead Technical Advisor for the structuring and procurement of three heavy fuel oil (HFO)-fired IPP plants in Yemen totaling 375 MW of capacity. K&M provided a full range of pre-bidding services, including market demand assessments and developing technical specifications for each project. K&M evaluated technology options, proposed plant sizes and configurations, assessed fuel supply options, and analyzed the suitability of potential project sites. K&M’s report concluded with an evaluation of IPP options based on technical and commercial feasibility. K&M prepared a Project Information Memorandum to market the projects to potential investors in advance of conducting a competitive tender for private developers. Due to political circumstances, the project did not continue to the tendering stage.

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