The objective of this consultancy is to provide technical assistance and support to SEDAPAL in: (i) strengthening its corporate governance system to generate economic, financial, social, and environmental value for the company; (ii) recommending a roadmap with a proposal to improve the company’s corporate governance; (iii) accompanying the SEDAPAL team in charge of the definition of a Business Plan; and (iv) preparing the financial plan that allows it to achieve the established goals.
In this assignment K&M is responsible for preparing: (i) A financial model with a 15-year projection period for SEDAPAL; and (ii) A financial plan, based on the financial model, with a short (five-year), medium (10-year), and long-term horizon. This financial plan will is the basis for a Business Plan for the company and is dynamic so that it can be used to prepare the Business Plan for the next five years.