SEPCO Fogging System Implementation Analysis and Request for Proposal Development
Middle East and North Africa
November 30, 2023Fogging System Analysis
SEPCO has indicated the power grid in Jordan has had difficulty covering peak loads observed during high-temperature periods. As a result, SEPCO has reviewed potential solutions for its Samra Power Plant to increase power plant generation during these peak periods.
SEPCO intent is to modify all seven gas turbines installed at the Samra Power Plant by installing a fogging system in the gas turbine inlet. This modification aims to increase plant power generation to help the power grid cover the peak loads during high-temperature periods. To evaluate the technical and commercial viability of the fogging system installation, SEPCO engaged K&M Advisors to review the design of generating units’ and auxiliary equipment and systems to evaluate their ability to support the increased power output during fogging system operation.
The purpose of this study is to:
- Verify whether existing auxiliary equipment of each of the phases is capable of supporting facility operation with the fogging systems, and
- Determine the demineralized water demand required for the fogging system.
Fogging System RFP Development
Once the technical viability of implementing the fogging system has been confirmed, SEPCO will need to develop an RFP for suppliers to submit their proposal for design that meets the requirements of applicable standards and good engineering practice. K&M will develop the RFP documentation for suppliers to ensure that the design of the system is adequate and technically sound.
Fogging System Analysis
K&M developed GateCycle models of combined cycle plants to calculate heat and material balances for different ambient temperatures without and with the fogging system. For each combination of the ambient temperature and fogging system status, K&M developed a spreadsheet summarizing the system power output and power output increase, heat rate and heat rate change, fogging system evaporation rate/demineralized water requirements, and other steam and water impacting operation of HRSG, steam turbine, ACC, and other auxiliary equipment that could be impacted by the fogging system. To analyze the demineralized system requirements, K&M calculated the fogging system demineralized water requirements and the total daily demineralized water demand and compared it with the demineralized water system capacity. We evaluated whether there is a deficit of demineralized water with fogging system operation and suggested the required additional demineralized water system capacity.
Fogging System RFP Development
K&M will assist SEPCO in developing the fogging system RFP. The RFP document prepared by K&M will include instructions to bidders, functional technical specification including the scope of supply and services and general technical requirements, and forms to be submitted by bidders. It is expected that the draft supply contract will be prepared to be included in the RFP will be based on the standard SEPCO’s supply contract, so no draft contract preparation is included in K&M’s scope. SEPCO will provide K&M with any available technical and commercial information received to date from the prospective fogging system suppliers.