Seven Forks 40 MW Solar Power Plant Feasibility Study
Sub-Saharan Africa
October 22, 2020K&M was retained by KenGen to conduct a feasibility study for the Seven Forks 40 MW solar power plant located next to a 225 MW hydroelectric dam in Gitaru, Kenya. K&M’s scope of work includes site studies (topographic and geotechnical), solar resource assessment, conceptual plant designs and interconnection analysis, environmental and social impact assessments, economic and financial viability assessment, financing sources analysis, risk analysis, development of an implementation plant, capacity building, evaluating US based sources of supply for services and suppliers, and drafting the tender documents for the procurement of an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor to build the power plant. At the request of KenGen, the feasibility study was possible scaled up to 40 MW. This project included a study tour in Johannesburg, South Africa. The work is funded by a grant provided to KenGen by the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).