Songas Ubungo 113 MW Power Station
Sub-Saharan Africa
October 22, 2020K&M was engaged by the AIG African Infrastructure Fund (AAIF), an affiliate of the Emerging Markets Partnership (EMP), to conduct a full technical and commercial due diligence of the Songas Ubungo 113 MW power plant in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The plant was in the process of a restoration effort which would allow all four gas turbines to produce electricity using natural gas from the offshore Songo-Songo field. K&M had previously performed due diligence of the plant for CDC Globeleq in 2002, and used this work as a basis for producing an updated due diligence report. K&M assessed the performance of the EPC contractor performing the expansion work and evaluated the plant’s forecast technical and commercial performance. For the commercial due diligence, K&M also evaluated Tanzania’s electricity market, reviewed the plant’s contractual arrangements, and identified any major operational risks which could impact shareholder value. K&M’s revised due diligence report included the results of K&M’s on-site engineering inspection of the facility and interviews with plant staff.