SREL 19 MW Hydroelectric IPP
Latin America and the Caribbean
October 22, 2020K&M was retained by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) to serve as Financial Advisor for the negotiations of a 19 MW run-of-river hydropower IPP. K&M’s scope of work included reviewing the project financial model and advising BEL on tariff structuring and risk allocations in the PPA. K&M designed a breakeven tariff formula for BEL to benchmark the project against regulated tariffs and alternative generation sources during negotiations, and K&M prepared a tariff calculation module in Excel which calculates the project’s breakeven tariff under various structures using inputs from the sponsor’s financial model. K&M also assisted BEL with evaluating alternative power generation options based on market analysis, projected demand, and levelized cost benchmarks for renewable and thermal generation technologies.