PROJECTS / System Loss Reduction Study for CORELCA

System Loss Reduction Study for CORELCA

Latin America and the Caribbean

October 22, 2020

As technical consultants to the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), K&M completed a definitional mission study of CORELCA, the electric utility responsible for the Atlantic coast grid in Colombia. K&M conducted an energy loss study of Atlantic coast states including Atlántico, Bolivar, Magdalena, Córdoba and César. This involved an in-depth analysis of CORELCA’s bidding procedures and evaluation of their commercial specifications; an identification of equipment requirements, possible follow-on U.S. exports. In addition, K&M completed a comprehensive review of major existing distribution companies (DISCOS) serving CORELCA and recommended management changes to reduce electrical distribution losses. These included power losses that were both technical- and fraud-related. K&M also completed an analysis of the inventory, distribution, mapping system and networks. K&M’s evaluation and recommendations resulted in a streamlined program approach which saved the Colombian government and CORELCA the equivalent of several million dollars from distribution losses.

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