Termovalle 205 MW Power Station
Latin America and the Caribbean
October 22, 2020The owner of the Termovalle IPP in Cali, Colombia, engaged K&M to evaluate contractual arrangements for the operations and maintenance (O&M) and equipment supply services for the plant. K&M reviewed both of the plant’s existing contracts: an O&M agreement with North American Energy Services (NAES) and an Operating Plant Services Agreement (OPSA) with Siemens Westinghouse Services Company (SWSC) to provide combustion turbine parts and scheduled maintenance. K&M visited the plant, assessed its operational needs, and evaluated the commercial risks associated with technical interruptions in operations. K&M met separately with NAES and SWSC and also reviewed a proposal from Mitsubishi Power Systems (MPS). Following K&M’s initial technical review, economic analysis of services arrangements, and recommendations to Termovalle, SWSC and MPS provided modifications to their initial proposals. K&M reviewed the modified proposals and provided recommendations to the owner of Termovalle for both O&M and OPSA agreements.