K&M was engaged by DOE to perform a comprehensive industry and literature review of advanced coal combustion and utilization technologies, specifically circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) combustion units currently operating in the United States. K&M’s technical analysis provided a practical composite of summaries of U.S.-developed CFB systems based on such variables as fuel ash loading, size and […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to evaluate the potential performance and economics of membrane technologies for high temperature gas separations in three gasification system schemes. A systems approach using computer modeling compared the performance of these new technologies with baseline performance of existing processes. The new membrane-based separation technologies considered include those whose process […]
K&M was commissioned by US DOE to perform a risk assessment and determine insurance requirements for a proposed Gasification Product Improvement Facility (GPIF). This GPIF consisted of development and commercialization of a simplified Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology. Project plans called for implementation in three phases. K&M assessed the potential impact of all risks […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to provide technical and strategic planning experts in support of the newly created Product Management team at the U.S. Department Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center. K&M experts designed various technical reviews and analyses to identify potential clean coal technologies and applications capable of moving from bench-scale to near-term demonstration […]
As a follow-on work, K&M was engaged by US DOE to develop a detailed cost estimate for a 7 MW externally-fired combined cycle prototype power plant. All related costs for each individual contractor were researched and evaluated to demonstrate the true project cost distributed by major work packages and each responsible contractor for the site […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to assess the preliminary technical and economic feasibility of a natural gas storage/co-fired retrofit system, to highlight potential institutional constraints, and to identify potential participants in advancing the concept to a commercial scale demonstration. The preliminary assessment, completed in 1991, initially considered a number of coal-burning power plants in […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to assess the potential use of low quality/low cost alternatives to bituminous coal-based coal water slurry in heat engines already modified to burn such fuels. The successful development of these new technology prompted further research to determine the suitability of eight specific alternative low quality/low cost fuels. K&M also […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to survey technologies currently being used to horizontally drill for oil or gas using air instead of mud as the drilling fluid. The study identified areas where further developments in high-angle drilling with air might be most effective. It gave an overview of the current status of research efforts […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to, along with its subcontractors, develop the conceptual design for the Externally-Fired Combined Cycle (EFCC) 7 MWe Demonstration Project at Dupont’s Waynesboro, Virginia facility. K&M assessed the technical feasibility of repowering the existing steam turbine-generator with an indirect-fired combined cycle system, as well as coordinated the efforts required to […]
K&M was engaged by US DOE to assess the effects of erosion and corrosion on gas turbines and evaluate quantities of particulates, trace elements and other pollutants present in gas turbine exhaust. K&M also reviewed specifications for allowable trace metal contaminant levels in feed coal being developed by major turbine manufacturers to meet proposed new […]