Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a continuously growing and ever-changing industry. Despite the complexities and nuances of the field, K&M’s team of managers, engineers, and analysts offer expert advice to clients seeking clean and alternative energy solutions.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Transaction advisory
  • Due diligence
  • Lender’s engineer
  • Policy and regulatory reform
  • Project development
Conventional Energy

In most countries, conventional energy sources are the primary sources of generation and, despite a rapidly growing clean energy market, they will continue to be the predominant source of energy in many countries for the foreseeable future. K&M has an unparalleled track record assisting governments in developing conventional energy power plants, including gas, diesel, coal, and heavy fuel oil-fired power plants.

K&M has developed, structured, tendered and/or negotiated 19 conventional power IPPs in developing countries, earning it a reputation for innovation in greenfield private power.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Transaction advisory
  • Due diligence
  • Owner's engineer
  • Policy and regulatory reform
  • Lender's engineer
  • Project development
Energy Storage

As emerging markets continue to explore new and creative ways to meet their power needs and reduce the cost of power, K&M is ready to assist its clients with their energy storage and hybrid power solution projects. K&M’s energy storage services include financial modeling and analysis, regulatory analysis, identifying project financing options, development of tender documents, and power supply analysis.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Transaction advisory
  • Policy and regulatory support

As a zero emissions fuel, hydrogen has the potential to combat the deleterious effects of climate change and disrupt the power sector. Throughout its 34-year history, K&M has advised its clients on cutting edge technologies – from clean coal to advanced gas turbines to renewable + storage solutions. For us, hydrogen will be a key player in the clean and renewable energy sequence. Hydrogen—particularly blue and green hydrogen—has become a hot topic for investors, development partners, governments, regulators, and utilities around the globe. There is a vast amount of information circulating on hydrogen. K&M is here to help you make sense of the noise, as we share our growing understanding of the trends in hydrogen technology, project development, and investment.

LNG to Power

Global LNG demand is increasing, while record low LNG prices are making it a more attractive and cleaner alternative to coal, heavy fuel oil (HFO), and diesel. New technological developments are also reducing the cost of transporting, storing and regassifying LNG—making LNG a lower cost fuel for a larger universe of end-users.

At K&M, we understand these challenges and have successfully advised many clients on LNG to Power projects. K&M brings proven expertise in financial and commercial due diligence for LNG to Power projects. K&M assists clients in selecting and analyzing a variety of LNG supply solutions to identify the least cost option. K&M manages procurement processes for LNG supply, or for gas supply based on LNG imports. K&M’s expertise in LNG to Power projects spans the globe, having completed assignments for small islands nations as well as developing countries.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Due diligence
  • Transaction advisory
  • Policy and regulatory support
Other Energy

As energy markets are constantly in flux, K&M’s expertise in energy is not limited to our core sectors. K&M consistently strives to provide our clients with exceptional services including, climate resiliency analysis, scoping markets, litigation support, or exploring insurance options for energy and water utilities.

We are willing to work with our clients to ensure that their needs and expectations are being met, and ready to go beyond our core sectors to provide a comprehensive service.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Transaction structuring
  • Due diligence
  • Owner's engineer
  • Policy and regulatory reform
  • Lender's engineer
Water & Wastewater

Many of the countries in which K&M has worked have water utilities that do not provide adequate access to water and sanitation, do not meet quality of service standards, need to increase operating efficiency, and lack the financial capacity to undertake necessary capital investments.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Pre and feasibility studies
  • Transaction structuring
  • Policy and regulatory support
Other Infrastructure

While K&M’s central focus is energy and water, K&M has had several decades of experience in various infrastructure projects, including transport and telecommunications projects. K&M has assisted governments to develop policies to enable public-private partnerships (PPP) in infrastructure projects, and reviewed feasibility studies and project agreements required for the implementation of these PPPs.

K&M services to governments, multilateral agencies and private firms include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Transaction structuring
  • Due diligence
  • Policy and regulatory reform

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