K&M is a leading expert advising commercial and industrial (C&I) power users, investors, and lenders on the development of power supply solutions. Due to the occurrence of common power supply problems for C&I users, K&M has developed a proven approach to identifying optimal solutions.
K&M’s approach starts with problem diagnosis and regulatory analysis. The information gained from these two reviews allows us to identify and analyze power supply options and evaluate associated risks for C&I users. Once the risks have been assessed, K&M proceeds with the conceptual design followed by the development of the technical specifications. K&M will then draft the RFP, project agreements, and manage the competitive tender. Upon selection of a preferred supplier, K&M will assist the C&I user negotiate the EPC contract and provide oversight during installation.
K&M has partnered with several C&I power users, investors, and lenders on recent power projects. For example, in Kenya, K&M is performing a technical and economic assessment of energy supply options for a planned industrial park owned by Oserian, a Kenyan flower company. Oserian’s goal for the industrial park is to meet clients’ energy demands with renewables including geothermal and solar PV. K&M led the economic and financial assessment, which included a cost/benefit and payback analysis of the proposed investments under several relevant scenarios.
In Colombia, K&M identified and analyzed power supply alternatives for the Port of Cartagena – a seaport which was experiencing frequent power interruptions causing significant delays in the loading and unloading of containers. K&M’s work included analysis of an interconnection to the high and medium-voltage network, self-generation with natural gas, diesel, wind, and solar PV; storage (batteries or flywheels); load management systems; and other power options. After the preferred power option was confirmed, K&M prepared the conceptual design and costs estimates, performed economic, financial and environmental analysis, and developed an implementation plan, including a tender package for use in a competitive procurement process.
K&M has a proven track-record advising on C&I power solutions and is ready to assist clients in optimizing their power solutions.