BEWAG Electricity Transmission And Distribution System
Europe and Central Asia
October 22, 2020K&M was retained to perform technical, commercial and market due diligence for the asset purchase and cross-border lease transaction of The BEWAG system. The BEWAG system operates at three different voltages levels: High Voltage 110kV (632 km), Medium Voltage 20 kV (3,008.9 km) and Low voltage 400 V (4,822.8 km). The transmission system associated with HV is mainly an overhead system. The MV and LV systems have both overhead and underground systems, with the ratio of percentage of overhead representing 64 percent and 26 percent, respectively, of BEWAG’s System. It is part of the national transmission and distributions structure which mainly consists in 380/220kV transmission lines owned by Verbund. K&M’s scope of work included review and comment on engineering due diligence report, electric transmission and distribution system appraisal report, and marketability of swap agreement.