PROJECTS / Emergency Power Supply 450 MW Procurement

Emergency Power Supply 450 MW Procurement

Sub-Saharan Africa

October 22, 2020

K&M, on behalf of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bureau for Public Enterprises, assessed sites and developed international competitive bidding instruments for the procurement of emergency power supply units. Several sites were recommended for implementation of fast-track independent projects that would add 450 MW gas-fired capacity on a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) basis. K&M’s scope of work included preparation of prequalification tender documents, Request for Proposal (RFP) document, selection criteria design, and security package, bid evaluation, bidder shortlist and recommendation of the successful bidder. K&M also conducted an extensive technical evaluation of existing generation, transmission and distribution assets in order to assist the Government of Nigeria and NEPA to prioritize rehabilitation of existing power plants, upgrade of transmission facilities and meet demand for new generation. K&M’s scope of work also included a training workshop for key government and utility officials in Abuja.

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