PROJECTS / Gelsenkirchen Wastewater System
Gelsenkirchen Wastewater System
Europe and Central Asia
October 22, 2020K&M did the technical and commercial due diligence on the proposed cross-border lease transaction of the wastewater treatment plants for the city of Gelsenkirchen. The wastewater collection and transportation infrastructure in Gelsenkirchen consists of approximately 665.8 km of closed sewers and 5 km of open channel sewers. The system also includes of three wastewater treatment plants: Lippeverband’s Picksmühlenbach WWTP, Emchergenossenschaft’s Bottrop and Emschermündung WWTPs. K&M’s scope of work was to assess the reasonableness of the technical, commercial and operational terms of the Service Contract; assess certain aspects of the due diligence engineering and the appraisal reports; and review the system support agreement.