PROJECTS / Innsbrucker Wastewater Infrastructure Independent Review Of Technical, Financial And Documents Including Engineering Due Diligence, Appraisal And Swap Agreement Reports, Service Contract Need Size

Innsbrucker Wastewater Infrastructure Independent Review Of Technical, Financial And Documents Including Engineering Due Diligence, Appraisal And Swap Agreement Reports, Service Contract Need Size

Europe and Central Asia

October 22, 2020

K&M provided an independent review and financial opinion for a proposed asset sale and lease-back transaction. K&M reviewed technical, financial, and commercial documents related to the proposed transaction, including the Engineering Report and the Appraisal Report, and rendered an independent opinion relative to the commercial aspects of the Service Contract. The transaction involved the wastewater collection assets in the City of Innsbruck with a total length of approximately 336km and the Innsbruck wastewater treatment plant serving a total population equivalent (PE) of approximately 233,000.

AGR Herten Waste-To-Energy Due Dili

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