LAC IDB Invest Water PPP Study
Latin America and the Caribbean
October 22, 2020K&M was contracted by the IDB Invest to provide support in analyzing LAC’s Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) in the Water and Sanitation sector (W&S) and proposing lines of action and recommendations to enhance IDB Invest’s participation in the market. K&M is developing a database of PPPs in W&S in LAC over the past 10 years in order to identify the trends. K&M will also analyze IDB Invest’s previous experience as a financier of W&S projects, identify success factors, lessons learned and main challenges. K&M will then identify the main challenges for the water PPP market in LAC and compare it with similar international projects that have been successful in order to identify the lessons learned. Finally, K&M will share the results of the analysis with IDB Invest’s main stakeholders and define with them possible financial and non-financial products to promote private investment in LAC.