On March 1st and 2nd, K&M Advisors sent six delegates to the Latin American Energy Forum and Powering Africa Summit in Washington, DC. An annual joint conference presented by EnergyNet, K&M was proud to serve as a sponsor this year for the first time.
K&M was a prominent participant in discussions at both conferences. K&M’s Managing Director of Transaction Services, Ralph Fairbanks, presented at the Powering Africa Summit’s “Gas Projects and the Future of Africa’s Base-Load” roundtable discussion, and K&M’s Managing Director of Technical Services, Leonid Golbin, presented at the Latin American Energy Forum’s “Gas for Power” panel discussion.

Ralph Fairbanks, left, K&M’s Managing Director of Transaction Services, presents at “Gas Projects and the Future of Africa’s Base-Load”
K&M discussed opportunities for power development initiatives with representatives of firms and governments from Latin America and Africa, regions in which K&M has undertaken a total of 121 projects over its 31-year history. K&M was pleased to have the opportunity to make new contacts and hold meetings with firms it is currently working with, such as KenGen, a current employer of K&M’s transaction advisor and feasibility study services in Kenya.

Leonid Golbin, K&M’s Managing Director of Technical Services, second from right, presents at “Gas for Power”